January 28, 2015

Awards of Excellence Program
Special Awards
Winners are determined through a nomination process. If you would like to nominate someone for an award listed below, please submit your nomination in writing via email in 800 words of less. Please include reasons for nomination, as well as your relationship to the nominee. You may not nominate yourself or an employee of your company. Nominations are open from July 1 to October 1 each year.
Alumni Award
In 2004 we began naming people to The Landscape Ontario Special Alumni. This status is for former members of the association who have retired. These alumni will enjoy special association status and be eligible to continue in LO's cost-saving benefit programs. They will receive our magazine publications for free. All fees will be waived. With this award, Landscape Ontario assures recipients there will always be a place for them in the community which they helped build. Nominated by a special committee, it is LO's way of saying thank you for all of the contributions they have made to the association and to the industry.(Not open for nomination).
Chapter Achievement Award
This award is nominated through a Landscape Ontario Chapter Board of Directors. The individual that is nominated must have demonstrated consistent volunteerism and significant contributions to their respective chapter over a period of many years.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
College Horticultural Educator of the Year Award
This award recognizes someone who made significant contributions to furthering the educational mission and purpose within the horticultural community.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Community Leadership Award
This award will be given to a member who makes a significant contribution to the community through their horticultural work. Reasons for nomination should include several examples of community based projects that the nominee has been instrumental in.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Employer of the Year Award
Out of the Strategic Planning sessions, the Employer of the Year Awards Committee was established with the mandate to define the characteristics, processes and systems of an Employer of the Year in order to create an aspirational model for employers. The goal of these Awards will be to recognize Employers of the Year and to promote better practices in the landscape and horticulture professions. Entries for the Employer of the Year Awards will open from July 1 to October 1. For more information visit: Employer of the Year or Submit ApplicationEnvironmental Award
This award goes to an organization or individual for outstanding contributions and achievement in maintaining or promoting a sustainable healthy environment. This award provides an opportunity for the horticulture industry in Ontario to recognize environmental stewardship and leadership.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Frank Ewald Junior Award
This award is presented to a member of Landscape Ontario or one of their employees who has not yet reached their 36th birthday and has made an outstanding effort in the promotion and betterment of our association.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Garden Communicator's Award
Given to a writer or broadcaster who has consistently produced a high level of quality in the field of horticulture through his or her efforts in communication. Candidates include those who communicate to the general public or the trade on a regular basis.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
High School Horticultural Educator of the Year Award
Nominations for this award are under the direction of the OHEC group.(Not open for nomination).
Honourary Life Membership
This is the highest honour bestowed by Landscape Ontario and is presented to distinguished individuals of outstanding accomplishment and contribution to the horticultural industry or association. It is reserved only for those members who have consistently contributed their time, passion, enthusiasm and energy over a period of many years. Those who are given this tribute have committed a lifetime to furthering the mission of Landscape Ontario. This award is not given out every year. This award is determined by the Landscape Ontario Provincial Board of Directors.(Not open for nomination).
Horst Dickert Memorial Award
This award recognizes the best use of native plant material well integrated into a designed or implemented sustainable landscape. The winner is selected from construction, maintenance or design project submissions. The judges will be focused on three areas of importance: Native Plants, Sustainability and Functionality & Aesthetics. Criteria include (but are not limited to): For plant material: exceptional use of native (especially locally native) plants, functionality, limited use of non-natives, no potentially invasive plants, appropriate use of niches, long-term viability, overall impression,horticultural correctness, integration of materials/compatibility with environment, quality of materials used, soft, unique use of plant material. For Sustainability: low water use, rain water gardens, rain water harvesting, permeable paving, green roof, bio retention, limited use of turf, edibles/permaculture, composting on-site, habitat creation, pollinator protection/encouragement, energy creation and/or saving, efficient lighting. For Functionality & Aesthetics: Hard landscape techniques, installation techniques and craftsmanship, flow (pedestrian traffic), Installation challenges encountered, unique use of hard/soft materials, seasonability/harmony/colour. Learn more about Horst Dickert.(Not open for nomination).
Horticultural Technician Apprenticeship Program 'Employer of the Year' Award
This award is given to a company that supports, promotes, employs and develops journey persons and for apprenticeship in Ontario.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
IPM Leadership Award
This award was created in 2012 to recognize leadership in providing hope, looking to the future and contributing to the healthy growth of the industries represented in the IPM Symposium. This individual is nominated by their peers; the recipient determined by the IPM Symposium Committee. This award recognizes a distinguished educator, representative of a company, municipality or supplier, who by his or her achievements in the turf and/or tree industry, has contributed uniquely to enhancing or promoting the future of our industry for mutual and beneficial gain.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Legacy Award
This award was created in 2005 to recognize a lifetime of achievement in the horticulture industry. This award is given to those who not only impart their knowledge on the people around them, but who also leave something for the generations behind them.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Past Presidents' Award
A committee of three past presidents of Landscape Ontario present this award to an individual who, over many years, has made outstanding contributions to the association.(Not open for nomination).
Prosperity Partners Leadership Award
This award is presented to an outstanding individual that has worked through the program, and has demonstrated business leadership using the five pillars of the prosperity partnership model. Recipient is selected by the Prosperity Partnership Committee.(Not open for nomination).
Trillium Award
To be given only in exceptional circumstances to an individual achieving an outstanding contribution in the field of horticulture, such as the development of a new plant or technique, or for design of an outstanding project.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.
Water Conservation Award
This special honour will be given to a person or an irrigation project that demonstrates water stewardship, conservation and innovation while maintaining thriving landscapes. This award recipient is determined by the Landscape Ontario Irrigation Sector Group.(Not open for nomination).
Young Entrepreneur Award
This award recognizes a member for outstanding achievement in establishing and growing a successful horticultural business and is under the age of 35 years.Submit nomination using the online Nomination Form.