January 15, 2015
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers, supervisors and workers all have a responsibility to help protect all workers, including new workers.

Workers who are new to a job are three times more likely to be injured during their first month on the job than more experienced workers.

A new worker can be anyone who is starting a first job, or is on the job for less than six months. A new worker can also be an individual who is assigned a new job, has recently moved to Ontario, or who is returning to the workforce after a long absence.

In fact, any worker that is placed in a new environment or given new responsibilities should be given appropriate training and support. If they are not trained, they can be at risk for safety hazards.

Employers are required to:
  • Ensure that all required equipment, materials and protective devices are provided, used and maintained in good condition.
  • Provide information and instruction to workers by posting a copy of the OHSA in the workplace; Preparing a written occupational health and safety policy that is reviewed annually and developing and maintaining a program to implement the policy if there are more than five workers in the workplace
Supervisors are required to:
  • Ensure workers wear the required personal protective equipment and use protective devices provided.
  • Advise workers of any potential or actual health or safety dangers.
Workers are required to:
  • Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing required by the employer.
  • Report any known workplace hazards or contraventions of the OHSA to the supervisor or employer.
More information is available on the ministry’s website at http://gfl.me/x2n6.