November 15, 2014
This year all businesses and not-for-profits with 20 or more employees in Ontario must file an online compliance report related to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005.

Ontario’s accessibility standards came into effect in 2012. Since then, additional requirements have come into law. This year’s online compliance report will cover these requirements.

The requirements differ depending on how many employees work at your organization.

The requirements for those businesses with 50 or more employees should have been met by January 1, 2014. Organizations with 50-plus employees must report that they have accessibility policies in place and a multi-year plan developed to help meet their requirements; Consider accessibility when purchasing or designing electronic kiosks; Ensure that any new websites are made accessible; Provide public emergency information in an accessible format – things like evacuation plans or brochures; If needed, provide customized emergency information to employees with disabilities.

For a complete list of the requirements that apply to your organization, visit

There are no new requirements this year for organizations with 20-49 employees, however, those businesses are required to report on the continued compliance with the customer service standard. They also have the same two emergency-related requirements outlined above, which were to be met by 2012, although they are not required to report on them.

Organizations with one to 19 employees are not required to file an AODA compliance report, but must still comply with some requirements.

Filing an AODA compliance report can be done online, through account. It’s a one-source online guide to government services, forms and information that you need to start, operate and grow your business or not-for-profit organization.

AODA compliance reports are due by the end of the year. Failing to file your report can result in enforcement action including financial penalties.